The Infectious Disease Repository provides a location for data and analytical resources for various infectious etiologies. The website is developed and maintained by Jacob Clarke at Quartz Software.
This dashboard gives an interactive view into the number of people that qualify as high risk for COVID.
US COVID 19 community levels by county as reported by the CDC
Test burden data from the CDC.
Daily data on MISC cases vs COVID cases in the US.
CoVariants provides an overview of SARS-CoV-2 variants and mutations that are of interest. Here, you can find out what mutations define a variant, what impact they might have (with links to papers and resources), and where variants are found
Weekly case rates of COVID 19 by age group as reported by the CDC
This datasets is pulled daily from the CDC's data tracker for easier access. It provides weekly death counts secondary to COVID 19 stratified by age group.
Weekly death rates of COVID 19 by age group as reported by the CDC
Weekly hospitalizations of COVID 19 by age group as reported by the CDC
If you find any issues with the data or want to contribute, please open an issue on Github.
This project is led by Timothy L. Wiemken and developed by Jacob Clarke at Quartz Software LLC.
Special thanks to the following contributors: